What a neat breed!
Meet Ranger & Scandi. Ranger is a five year old, seventy-eight pound, good looking Norwegian Elkhound that stayed in our Big Roll. Scandi, Ranger's brother, is a three year old, ninety-five pound, handsome Norwegian Elkhound who ventured into our Medium Roll.
Both Ranger and Scandi did very well today at The Fort, definitely passing their assessments. Each dog communicated rather adeptly with the other pack members and enjoyed their stay. Brother Scandi was a bit more interested in play than Ranger. Even though rowdy-play wasn't on his agenda, Ranger blended in with the pack seamlessly.

Ranger and Scandi are best buddies with Fort Fido regular Barkley, they play outside of here often. The Elkhounds have taught Barkley much of his "Dog Speak" and have honed his "Pack Skills". This has been quite beneficial for Barkley's development as a "Dog's Dog", he can run with the best of them and isn't your typical Miniature Poodle lol.
First rate job today boys, we'll see ya next week!