Kobe is a charismatic, three year old, ten pound, red colored, Pekingese. This spunky little fella came in the door with gusto! Kobe had no fears whatsoever. He pranced upstairs guilefully, looking forward to the dog buddies he knew lay ahead. Kobe interacted cleverly with the others, attempting to play with any canine that was game. A recent rescue, Kobe, is beginning to truly thrive in his newfound forever home. Our hats go off to his new owner for doing right by him. Well done!
Kobe and Luke are fantastic small dogs that we have been fortunate to have at Fort Fido. They will both benefit from attending and are welcome here anytime.
The clip that follows doesn't show a whole heck of a lot, but you can spot both Kobe and Luke amongst the other guests.
Be well,
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