Happy New Year!
And what a truly great year it was! We at The Fort, take this time to reflect on the past, while looking ahead optimistically towards the future. There were several big changes at Fort Fido in 2012... With those changes, came room for growth, learning and improvement. With hard work, dedication and most importantly, support from our amazing customers, we have made Fort Fido better than ever! We are thrilled to continue our Dog Care Facility's betterment, for the canines we look after daily, and for our customers who trust us with a part of their life.
In the coming year(s), we look forward to serving you and keeping Fort Fido at it's absolute best. We shall continue to run our business to the best of our abilities, in 2013 and beyond!
As always, thank you very much for your continuous support and patronage.
Here's to 2013, wishing you all the best!
-Grant, David, Nancy, Hope, Gary, Matt, Kelsey, Lexi, Taylor, Jacob & Andrea.