Monday, November 5, 2012


Why dogs find some toys boring - This was quite interesting to me because I have a dog, Gibson, who could care less about toys. As you can imagine, he still has several toys and doesn't touch any of them lol. Don't get me started on the "Soccer Ball" though, he absolutely loves chasing that around. So for my dog, it is Human Sports Equipment 1 - Dog Toys 0. Hahaha!

Dog tumors may gives clues to humans with cancer - Great stuff here! In my opinion, the main-link, between any cancer in any human or animal, is the bad food that they have consumed over years, but who knows... And unfortunately, much of our current dog and human food, is not good for us. :(

Study: Classical music de-stresses dogs - O how I jumped for joy at this article! Let's just say, this topic is highly debated, between the owners and employees at The Fort. Hehehe... I'm a big Classical King FM 98.1 fan, especially while I'm running the show at Fort Fido.

White House Pets, focus of new book - How fitting for tomorrow!

Dog jumps into freezing water, saves man's life - Way to go canine hero! I wish the man well and hope he has reached some form of enlightenment through the experience.

Take care,


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