Tikvah, Maddy, and Fendi settling in for the night!
Taylor caught this great photo of the girls boarding last night. Looks like they had a nice nap, and enjoyed each other's company. They were joined by lots of buddies during daycare today, as well.
Ugly Mugly, an 8-year-old Chinese Crested and "The World's Ugliest Dog" |
Here's some funny news for you-- the annual
World's Ugliest Dog contest was won by
eight-year-old Mugly, a Chinese Crested. This contest is always good for a laugh, and though the word "ugly" can be a turnoff, it is all quite good-natured. For those of you who are familiar with the contest, you'll notice that Chinese Cresteds tend to dominate the competition. I wonder what that's all about... Lol!
Molly with her six kittens |
Molly, a White English Bulldog, has taken in the kittens of her longtime companion. A family cat who met a tragic end not long after delivering her kittens. Luckily, Molly had given birth to puppies not long before, and stepped up to handle the six kittens, as well as her own three puppies. Way to go Mama!
No picture for this article, but it's a good chuckle--
a voter participation group sent voter registration forms to a cat and dog. Not sure who thought "Scampers" was the name of a person, "Mozart" is a little more believable.
With summer coming up,
this article serves as a great reminder to be cautious when leaving pets inside of a locked car. The temperature in closed car can go from 78 degrees to 100 degrees in just three minutes, to 125 degrees in 6-8 minutes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Luckily for the pooch in the article, he was freed from the car by police officers. Though he ran onto the freeway after he was sprung, he avoided accident or injury there as well.
Thank goodness the sun came back out! Maybe it will be summer someday after all. Have a great night guys,