I found a lot of dog-related stuff on the internet today, so check out these cool articles!
Calvin is the "Fastest Wiener in the West"
Lazy dog eating spilled food
Dramatic dog rescue in Fargo
Golf courses employ dogs to keep geese at bay
A lost pup returns to her home at group home for the developmentally disabled
Service dog helps smooth school for child with autism
A dog gave his life to save his family from a burning home
Two more dogs saved their families from fires, here and here. A third dog notified his owner that the neighbor's house was on fire.
Firefighters found an abandoned dog in a building that was aflame.
Sgt. Zeke helps deployed soldiers to deal with stress
Dog Walking Commandments
Here are a few clips from the action at the Fort today:
Pupcake tears it up with her buddies Zeus, Gibson, Hunter, and Gracie in the medium roll.
Gem and Abby romp around the big side this morning!
Upstairs, Koji was pulling out all the stops to try and impress Cody, while Gherie played with Shih-tzus Samarah and Buddy.
Have a great evening everybody,
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