Why did "Fido" become the generic family dog name?
I didn't know either lol, maybe you did... I just learned that Fido comes from the Latin fidus, meaning faithful / I trust, a very fitting term for "Man's best friend". Neat, ya learn something new everyday. ;)
Now here are some outstanding clips from today's rolls.
First up, Abby, Grady, Stella and Ziva have been romping hard all day together in the Big Roll.
It has also been a Chocolate Lab fest in the Large Roll today, here, Osbourne, Kodiak and Grady have a triple threat match. They must know their the same breed lol.
Things were fast and furious in the Medium Roll today as always. Miss Phoebe loves stirring up a pot of chase games... Buddha, Diego and Zeus pursue.
Check Pearl out in the Little Roll, she found a big orange ball that she really digs... A clip was taken later in the day and she was still after that ball, too funny.
Last but certainly not least, new pup Mooshu and Pearl had a late afternoon wrestling match that we were able to capture. What a blast!
Take care,
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