The Communication Boards ensure that we don't miss a beat. They are nothing fancy but are priceless for a smooth running day. Three dry erase boards, located throughout the building, are riddled with current events, tips, things to remember, important dates, announcements from/for customers, etc...
I took a photo of the boards one day... I'll help you decipher their invaluable, chicken-scratch, messages haha!

Big board number one: If we don't charge our floor scrubber with it's top open, the batteries can't vent properly. Then, rust and corrosion happen, not good!
One note is a note to take notes lol.
We had an appointment with a cleaning company owner "Ben".
Phoebe the Vizsla had a dirt spot on her that looked odd, the owner warned us before she entered the daycare (very cool of her).
Rainier had visitors in his home. We made sure everyone knew that just in case he began to act differently with the pack (yes, it happens). Fortunately, he was fine that week.
Buzzette and Dixie were being boarded at the vet. TV = Take to Vet, PV = Pick up from Vet.
Last but not least, there was a biker run that stopped by the scooter shop. Hope had to be prepared to deal with the influx of visitors/noise.

Board two is little and easy... The Diagram shows the "Cleaner" what rubber-floor-seam they need to scrub by hand that day.
For some reason, mop heads (3) needed to be changed on Saturday rather than Friday that week.

Another little one, board three upstairs... It's usually covered (Go Nancy!) but had only one note on it that day. As seen on board 1, Buzzette and Dixie needed to be taken next door, after daycare, to spend the night at Fircrest Vet's boarding facility. Forgetting to take them would have been a BIG NO NO lol! Hence the "reiteration".
Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this little inside peak of how we run things. Although not very "high-tech" the Communication Boards are key. They work and work well. When we find something that works well at Fort Fido we stick to it and get everyone on the same page!
Enjoy that weather and your week!
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