Friday, September 21, 2012

High Speed Chases!

We caught some clips of pooches running and playing in all three areas today, and man were they having a good time! All the play areas were jam-packed with action today, and here's a peek at some of the highlights from each--

In the Big Roll, Theodore and Odin were tearing it up bright and early this morning. These two were a great match with similar personalities and energy levels, and have been best buds all day long! It's really great when a new dog starts and finds his place and playmates in the pack so quickly. Theodore was definitely doing his part to make Odin feel welcome!

Upstairs we had the usual ball-time bash, with regulars Marlee, Miller, Lucy, and Buddy taking the forefront on the chase. You can also see some waggly appearances by Koji, Tigger, and Demitri.

Right in between these guys, in the Medium Roll, Chewy would not rest until Emily played with him! His little tail was going crazy as he tried to entice some play from her, and she couldn't hold out for too long. Faramir also did his best to get in on the action, Chewy's sweet moves definitely worked on him!

Today was a great, exciting day here at the Fort (which days aren't? lol), and another great example of why I really love my job. Have a great weekend, and don't forget that Fort Fido is here with regular hours (6:30am-7:30pm for pick up and drop off) Saturdays and Sundays, as well as during the week! Hope to see you soon!


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