Lucas, October 2006
Harriet, October 2006

Our fourth assessment this week (Wow, busy busy!) was the super-cute Stuart. He is a four year old, twelve pound, Isabella Dachshund (a rare coloring). Stuart Little is currenty being fostered in a very loving home filled with great pups. Miller and Paisley are Stuart's new foster siblings, he couldn't ask for a better setup. This morning, we took Stuart upstairs to the Little Roll. He wasn't quite sure what to make of all the action yet had definitely been around dogs before. Stuart didn't play a whole heck of a lot but he interacted some and spoke decent "Dog Language". He had no problem telling rowdy youngins to give him some space... In a good way, meaning, he wasn't too harsh and exhibited good bite control. We believe this has been a good experience for Stuart and he may attend whenever he likes. His foster parents and future new parents can be comfortable knowing he is ok with little dogs off-leash. This is definitely a plus. There's no doubt in our minds that this pooch will find a warm/loving permanent home in a short amount of time. Even if it takes awhile, it won't matter, he'll be hard-pressed to find a better gig then the one he has now. :)
Now for some unfortunate news... Lucas and Harriet have been attending Fort Fido weekly for five years, let's just say, we know them well. They both just recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge after very long, healthy and active lives.
:( We are saddened by this news yet find feelings of happiness when we reflect on their lives. These two pooches were always up to something, many of their antics were quite comical. They were the old timers of the Big Roll but could handle any wiseguy or naive whippersnapper that came there way lol. In short, they were great dogs and we really enjoyed them.
Lucas and Harriet's owners are some of the best people you could find. They've loved these two dogs for years and have always took the very best care of them. They have also been extremely supportive of Fort Fido, even in our humble beginnings... Recommending us to several of their friends and associates. For this, we thank them wholeheartedly and apologize for their loss. Lucas, happened to be the oldest Bernese Mountain Dog that his Veterinarian had ever seen, twelve years old! How's that for awesome?
Enjoy your weekend,
P.S. If you spot me at Puyallup's 7th annual Oktoberfest Northwest this weekend, do say hello, I'll do the same! ;)
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