Tacoma City Hall is displaying an art exhibit honoring hero dogs. The exhibit is composed of 22 paintings, pastels, and digital work by Janette Stiles. The exhibit runs throughout October, if you want to stop in and have a look!
Here's a great story about a faithful partner helping a teenage girl to achieve her goals. With her guide dog, Sami Stoner can run cross country again.
Another great partner was found for a hearing-impaired woman. She has been paired with a "hearing dog" that is trained to recognize certain sounds (such as the sounds of a baby crying) and alert her.
The House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill in support of a program to pair veterans with therapy dogs.
This last story is a sad one about the boundless faithfulness of our canine friends. A weimaraner kept watch over his owner's body for three days. There really is no limit to their dedication to their partners.
I'll be seeing you again next week,
In response to increased cases of canine distemper in the local raccoon population, the Humane Society had a vaccine clinic today. Please make sure you keep all of your pets up to date! Distemper is a very serious and contagious disease.
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