Faramir was Fort Fido's very first customer. He has been with us two days a week from the start and we absolutely love him! Faramir is a Cairn Terrier and unlike Toto, he is large for his breed (taller than most & about 22 pounds) and Wheaten in color. His name comes from the Lord of the Rings trilogy (books and films). "Wubbie" is Faramir's nick name and we use many variations of it. He is quite photogenic, appearing in various Fort Fido media (website version 1 & 2, marketing photos, etc...).
One of Wubbie's most memorable capers is the day he decided to run into the office. Rather than leap into the medium play area, wubbs did a one-eighty and hightailed it down the hall to the office. Once inside, he managed to get up onto a chair and snag a roll of Fig Newtons! He proceeded to sprint back to the play area with the "fruit and cake" in tow, classic lol!
A special thanks goes out to Farmair's owners Dori and Mo for being such wonderful customers and supporting our business for so long, thank you, it is much appreciated!
Have a great weekend everyone,
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