Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Jack was our assessment from today! This Labrador Retriever weighs seventy pounds, and is one in a half years old. Jack joined our Large Dog Program bright 'n early this morning, with curiosity and wonder in his eyes. He had a good overall day, and even made a buddy; what's funny about his new friend, is he looks just like him! Check out Chedder, who has been coming to The Fort since 2014.
Jack is welcome to come back whenever he wants! Have a good evening,
labrador retriever,
Large Dog Program,
The Fort
Monday, January 29, 2018
Fun Dog Videos!
Do you need a pick-me-up, or something that will make you smile? Dogs can be so silly sometimes... Today's blog has a couple videos of dogs being dogs; that I'm sure will leave you grinning by the end of it.
After watching the videos on this blog, one thing is certain; Dogs certainly bring a lot of randomness and joy into our every day lives. I hope you liked those videos.
Have a marvelous week,
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Misty & Mumphrey
Thursday morning we had the pleasure of welcoming Misty to the Fort. She is a one-year-old, forty-pound, Boxer mix. Misty joined our Medium Dog Program and had fun hanging out with the other dogs. Her sister Pennie has been coming to the Fort since January 2017. Misty is welcome back any time. We look forward to seeing her again soon!
Mumphrey joined the Fort on Friday. He is a one-year-old, fifty-pound, English Bulldog. Mumphrey spent most of the morning playing with his new friend, Pippa, in our Large Dog Program. He did a great job! We hope to see him again soon!
Have a great weekend,
- Gary
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Leia & Lola
Leia was our assessment from Tuesday. She's two years old, weighs thirteen pounds, and is a Bichon! This little Princess joined our Small Dog Program and enjoyed meandering around with the others. We noticed she was very drawn to tiny dogs. The tinier the better, in her eyes.
Lola was our assessment from today! Just like Leia, she joined our Small Dog Program... She's five years, weighs around twenty one pounds and is a mixed breed! She had some-what of an alpha/mamma presence about her and enjoyed mingling with her new daycare buddies. We noticed that once one of our puppies who is a regular Charlie, showed up, he got her playing quite a bit! We think she prefers playing with the younger ones.
Both Leia and Lola are more than welcome to come back whenever they want!
Take care,
Monday, January 22, 2018
Evie was today's adorably perky assessment, that joined our Medium Dog Program! She's a Mini-Ausie, only weighs twenty five pounds, and is six months old! It was apparent pretty quickly that this girl is the opposite of shy! She started greeting the others and showed great dog speak, the moment they went up to her. Want to know something cool? The dog she played with the most and seemed pretty drawn to, was Bailey! Bailey has been attending here for almost a year now, and is a regular sized, Australian Shepherd. We even got a video of them playing... Check it out!
We are looking forward to seeing Evie return!
Have a good night,
Friday, January 19, 2018
Abby, Oskar, & Agnes
Abby was our teeny tiny, cute little assessment from Thursday! She's only three months old, and has a lot of personality and spunk. Abby is a Shih Tzu that only weighs two pounds... We knew from the moment she entered our Small Dog Program, that she was going to make a great addition to The Fort. She had some pep in her step, as she playfully trotted over to Maisy; the first dog we introduced her to. Her tail was wagging up a storm! We were able to catch her Dog Speak on video, check her out below!
If your heart didn't melt from watching that video, these photos should do the trick!
We will be seeing Abby again for boarding next week! She's also going to come in certain days out of the month, to bring her in for some daycare fun, and socialization! We look forward to seeing her return.
This adorable Dachshund was one of our assessments from today! He's six years old, weighs around nineteen pounds and joined our Small Dog Program. It was clear that this wasn't his first time at the rodeo... Oskar has had previous experience with being at other Daycares before. He was quick to explore our picnic table and scope out the place!
Agnes also assessed and joined our Small Dog Program today- as she's Oskar's younger sister... This little girl is only ten months old, and weighs a whole of six pounds! Can you guess what type of dog she is? Agnes is a Chinese Crested, having more hair than this breed typically does. She was a little nervous at first since she hasn't really had much interaction with dogs her size, besides her brother. As the morning progressed we noticed her opening up a bit, and start to gain confidence as she was greeting dogs by sniffing their butts. In the dog world, sniffing another dog's butt should be the first thing they do when they greet each other. It's how they pick up on scent the best, and remember who the dog is if they've met before. It's proper dog etiquette; just like shaking someones hand when you meet them for the first time, is expected.
All three of these dogs are welcome to come back for more Fort Fido fun, whenever they want.
Happy Friday all,
Chinese Crested Dog,
shih tzu,
Small Dog Program,
The Fort
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Amie was our poodle mix that assessed with us this morning... She's about seven years old, weighs ten pounds, and joined our Small Dog Program. Amie was a curious little girl, as she sniffed her way up the stairs and entered her new hangout! It was there, that we noticed she showed great dog speak and got along with everyone really well.
Amie is welcome to come back whenever she wants for more fun with the small dogs!
Have a wonderful night,
Monday, January 15, 2018
10 Strangest Looking Dog Breeds
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes... Have you ever wondered what the weirdest breeds may look like? Read today's blog to discover 10 dogs that look so strangely unique, that they're still cute!
Averaging over 30 inches tall, and containing the thickest dog fur in The World... These goofy guys can grow their fur up to 27 centimeters in length!
2)Bedlington Terrier
These Lamb-like dogs make great pets for people that have allergies... They're originally from Bedlington, England.
If you want a Jamaican style hippie dog, You'll probably love Puli's and all their dreads... Despite their crazy hair, they're actually from Hungary. Their primary role was herding livestock and their coats are virtually water resistant!
4)Russian Borzoi
These guys are very similar to Greyhounds in the aspect that they are agile, and quick on their feet! Borzois are great for chasing small animals and prey... They can be a bit stubborn and love to do their own thing, so make sure you have plenty of dog experience before adopting one.
5)Brussels Griffon
These little guys have always reminded me of little mini Ewoks from the movies, Star Wars! They're fierce and tend to dominate other dogs... How could such a tiny little thing, happen to be so sassy?!

Check out this next photo to see a couple of Brussels Griffons that are actually dressed
up like Ewoks... See what I mean? --->
This breed is originally from Germany, and they were bred to hunt and kill rats. If you have a rat problem and a kitty that's not stepping up to the plate, this would be a great breed for you to check out.
7)Neapolitan Mastiff
Are you in search of a good dog breed that can keep you, and your family safe? Neapolitan Mastiffs make great guard dogs because they weigh upwards of over 130 pounds, on average!
8)Bergamasco Shepherd
Here's another shaggy dog you probably didn't know existed... Although Bergamascos have really long, matted hair as adults, they're actually born with short, smooth hair. As they mature and get older, the fur tends to grow into long, knotted locks. Check out the photo below to see what one looks like, as a puppy.
9)Bull Terrier
You know that white dog that always appears in Target commercials? Well, that breed is in fact, a Bull Terrier! Bull Terrier's egg-shaped heads makes them look very odd/unique. Canadian Hockey fans should recognize this breed in an instant because hockey commentator, Don Cherry, had his dog "Blue" frequently appear on Hockey Nights.
10)French Bulldog
Did you know that this breed's original purpose was to attack and taunt Bulls, in a cruel spectator sport back in the day? Luckily that isn't a thing anymore- and these little guys actually make great loyal, friendly, pets who crave attention. Also, because of how slim their hips are, Frenchies unfortunately can't reproduce naturally. Typically, breeders must undertake artificial insemination of the female dogs.
I hope you enjoyed learning about this "different", and fun breeds...
Enjoy the rest of your day,
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Kika was our adorable assessment from today. She's a Dachshund/Heeler mix, is only five months old and weighs eighteen pounds. Kika initially started out in our Medium Dog Program and really took a great liking to one of our regulars, Dutch! We were lucky enough to capture them on video, check it out below...
As the morning progressed, we decided to move Kika up to our Small Dog Program because she wasn't as "high energy" as we were expecting. We separate the dogs between our three different programs based on their size- but temperament as well. We have a feeling Kika is going to make lots of new buddies, hanging out in our Small Dog Program. She is more than welcome to come back for more daycare fun whenever she wants!
Have a good night,
Monday, January 1, 2018
Happy 2018!!
Happy New Years Day Fort Fido customers and followers; we hope you all have a wonderful start to this new year...
Here's some celebratory photos of dogs dressing up for the ocassion.
***Bonus: Scroll until the end, if you want to find a couple videos of dogs and their New Years Resolutions, at the bottom of this blog!

What could a dog's new year's resolution be? Watch these videos to find out...
And one more!
Alright, that's all I have to share today... Remember, a New Year is new possibilities and a chance to start out fresh. You can make this year whatever you want it to be!
Take care,
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