Raleigh had his assessment this morning. He is a very cute, one year old, 23 pound, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Raleigh putted around upstairs in the Little Roll and sniffed a few rear-ends haha. We expect him to start playing once he finds his groove. The first day can be a bit overwhelming, luckily Raleigh seemed pretty comfortable.
Have a nice weekend, we got one dry day coming, woo-hoo!
P.S. Here are a couple more Cavalier King Charles Spaniel links. Say that breed name ten times fast! :)
CKCS info from dogbreedinfo.com
CKCS Club of the USA
OmMyGosh, look at you, my adorable neph-dog, Raleigh! You look a little bit unsure, but you love having your picture taken. Hey Rals, you're such a good pup. I'll come and see you really soon. I love you SO much, Auntie Catherine