Friday, November 1, 2013

Becoming a Good Canine Citizen

While all dogs possess the ability to be a good dog, being an ambassador between humans and canines is a little more difficult, and requires some training (on both the pup's part and on the human's). The AKC or American Kennel Club offers a special chance to train, test, and reward your dog for their good behavior, or to help you identify where your companion could use a little help.
"Started in 1989, the CGC Program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs."
Any dog that can pass the 10-step CGC test  receives a certificate from the American Kennel Club, And also,an opportunity to start other AKC programs such as agility, tracking, or performance events. State legislature has even begun recognizing the CGC program as a means of advocating responsible dog ownership and 34 states have Canine Good Citizen resolutions.
Now, the reason I write this in our blog is because Zeus, one of our fine looking Doberman has completed his training and has passed that rigorous test, and is a fully fledged member of the AKCCGC!! Congratulations to Zeus and his owners for all the hard work that was put into making this a reality! Good Work Buddy!  

Thanks for reading, see ya next week!
-Ryan Way

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