Saturday, May 7, 2011

Canine Heroes

Yesterday, the CNN website had a large feature on "dogs of war"--military canine units. This page includes a couple video clips honoring the brave canine soldiers who have been working with the military overseas. There is also a clip about service dogs helping veterans to transition back to civilian life. It really is miraculous all the good that the unconditional love of a dog can do.

Here's a good update on one of Michael Vick's dogs. It's not much of an article, a few sentences really, but it's nice to know that the innocent victims are able to make new, happy lives for themselves.

To round things out, here's a clip from the roll today. Little Buddah was tearing it up with larger dogs Emily and Gemma. He loves to play rough!


P.S.- Don't forget to pick up the May/June copy of Pet Connection, available for free in the Fort Fido lobby! This issue features retired K-9 officer Jetson, Mccaw Mountain, and highlights the dangers that pesticides pose to pets. It also has a calendar of dog-related events for May, June, and July. Don't miss out on all the fun!

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